DIY: Honey-Sugar Body Scrub
Maintain your natural glow with our DIY body scrub.
A natural body scrub can aid in exfoliating your skin and get rid of dead particles. The best part is, it is all organic, fully customizable for your skin needs, and definitely affordable.
Here are more benefits of skin-exfoliating:
- healthier skin
- blood circulation improvement
- promotes skin hydration
- clears blemishes
- reduces stress
- decreases pore size
- releases natural oils
Honey-Sugar Body Scrub Recipe
- place a jar of honey in the microwave for 30 seconds or until the consistency is runny and warm to touch.
- in a small bowl, pour a quarter-cup of honey and mix in organic white sugar or brown sugar.
- add in the extra virgin oil.
- you can also add in aloe vera gel or any essential oils for scents and additional benefits.
- mix all the contents in the bowl and once blended, it can be used immediately. Any excess can be stored in a jar with a tight lid.
To apply:
- start with a spoonful of your homemade body scrub. place it on the palm of your hands and and gently massage the scrub over the desired areas. rinse the scrub with a washcloth once you are content with the application. we do suggest to use a warm washcloth to make it more invigorating.
And voila! You are all set to enjoy this marvelous beauty treat. Let us all glow up.
Catching Vitamin D
Catch Some Vitamin D!
When the sun is shining, are you actually catching the rays?
We sure hope so!
The healthy glow from a tan is not the only benefit that we can receive from the sun. Did you know that Vitamin D is absorbed through the sun as well?
Vitamin D, also known as the "sunshine vitamin," is produced by the body as we absorb the sun rays as well as from certain food and supplements. Vitamin D supports maintaining healthy bones and teeth, strengthens the immune system and cardiovascular health, regulate insulin levels, protection from certain conditions such as diabetes, cancer, and multiple sclerosis, boosts energy, and much more. In addition, sun exposure is beneficial to infants and expecting mothers.
When the sunlight is absorbed by our skin, our body system synthesizes this particular vitamin. It can be as simple as stepping outside during midday and exposing ourselves to the sun for about 5-10 minutes throughout the week and we can help our bodies produce sufficient Vitamin D. So what is the catch? Well, let us catch as much sunlight that we can this summer so we can store some Vitamin D in our system during the winter days!
Summer Detox
Summer Detox
We already made it to the first half of the year and summer has officially begun. With us entering a new season, it is also the perfect time to switch up a couple of things in our diet and introduce new healthy recipes that can assist with detoxing our bodies.
How about a 3-day detox? Here are 3 recipes that you can try for 3 days to detoxify your body and start your summer right.
Let’s start with oatmeal with bananas and flax seeds.
Eating a mighty bowl full of nutrients first thing in the morning is a great way to start the day. Oats will provide aid in digestion which is a major key in a detoxified diet. Plus, it can also help reduce blood pressure. With bananas, it is antiviral and antifungal properties can help promote healthy gut flora. And flax seeds? Well, it is an excellent source of fiber and that completes the mighty detox bowl!
During the summer days, it is important to keep our bodies hydrated. Cantaloupe and watermelon are the perfect detoxifying snacks to munch on. Watermelon can help cleanse the body by removing body toxins that are slowing down metabolism. When getting rid of body toxins, it helps boost our metabolism. Cantaloupe also has beneficial nutrients that can help flush toxins from the body just like watermelon. The perfect combination to snack on during our 3-day detox.
Last but not least, a salad is always a great dish to have during the summertime especially when detoxing. An arugula salad makes a perfect detox salad. Arugula is classified as a superfood. It is a great source of folate, vitamins A, C, & K, calcium, magnesium, and more. It is also known for cleansing blood, skin, and liver. With arugula as a base, you can simply add detoxifying toppings to your salad to make it a super salad!
Haircare Under The Sun
It is time to let our hair down and let it blow in the wind! The sun is out and we are all ready to have all the fun during these summery days.
But how about on those days when heat and humidity also want to come out to play? Does your hair have the proper care to avoid the damages that the sun's overpowering rays can possibly bring your way?
Taking care of the texture, color, and moisture of our hair is very essential especially during the seasons where the weather can easily affect it but we have prepared three important hair tips that can help you combat heat damages to your hair.
1. For texture:
Your hair is already exposed in the heat so using hair tools like blow dryers and flat irons during this season can affect your hair's texture.
Try taking advantage of the warm air and air dry your hair instead of blow drying it. You can also give your hair a break by rocking the natural beauty of it, whether straight or curly, throughout the summer.
2. For color:
You need extra TLC for color-treated hair! Chemical treatments and beaming sunshine can bring damage to your hair. It can lead to color fading and extreme dryness.
To make sure that you are protecting your hair color, try to avoid exposing it to the sunlight directly and condition it accordingly. Fashionably, you can wear a hat or a scarf that will give your outfit that extra bang.
3. For moisture:
How about an overnight treatment? Just like face masks that work their magic overnight, recommended hair masks can also do the same. The instructions are very simple: apply the hair mask overnight and let your hair absorb all the good stuff.
Your hair will be rejuvenated and be good to go first thing in the morning.
Enjoy the summer and rock on with your healthy hair!
Hello Hydrated Skin
The countdown for the official summer days are not too far from us and most likely, we already have our summer plans laid out by this time! With the season changing and the millions of fun things to involve ourselves into, are we also remembering to prepare for the humidity? How will you keep yourself from being dehydrated?
Check out the easy tips that we were able to gather that can definitely help you keep your body hydrated internally and externally.
You can never have enough water this summer. Drinking water can keep your body especially your skin hydrated.Lotion.
Applying lotion not only keeps the skin moist but it also helps to maintain the youth of our skin and it can help prevent wrinkles.Fruits and Veggies.
Our diet plays a major role in our overall health. Eating healthy during the summertime is a must. Certain types of fruits and vegetables can retain hydration within our body and it can also bring some glow to our skin.Indulge in some oatmeal.
Oatmeal is known for being hearty and filling but did you also know that it is also very hydrating? You can also add chia seeds to boost this meal's nutritious properties.
Plus. you can also use it as a hydrating and calming mask, too. Yum!You can never be too old for milk.
Milk is packed with protein, carbohydrates, calcium, and electrolytes and it is more hydrating than some of the sports drinks.
Modern Girls' Time
It is summertime and everyone is just planning the fun parties and get-togethers since the beautiful weather makes it easier for our families and friends to say “yes” to the invites!
If you are specifically thinking about getting your girl crew together and you are in need of some inspirations on how to make it one of the best mini-reunions this summer, we have the perfect suggestions!
A beauty and massage bar will always be a hit to our hardworking women and there are various combinations that can be put together to create the absolute set-up:
Mask Station - Gather your favorite face masks and tackle all those skin imperfections away!
Mani Station - Pamper those beautiful hands up with the color to match everyone’s mood.
Make-up Station - Set this station up with the “must-try” makeup brands for you and your girls to play with. Discover each other’s favorite products and helpful makeup tips.
Celebrating Mother's Day
May is here and flowers are starting to bloom along with the chirping cheerful birds.
It all makes sense as to why Mother's Day has been assigned to be celebrated during this colorful month.
With the beautiful weather upon us, it inspires us to create more wonderful ways to express our appreciation to all the great mothers out there during this special time. From lavish bouquets of flowers and fine dine-ins to a fun shopping day we try our best to pick out extra-ordinary gifts that we know a mother would love.
Mothers are known to juggle everything between work, home, and anything else that we can possibly imagine. As they say, it is an endless job of being a mom. It has even been said at times that some mothers would not have a clue on how to "relax" or "take a break" due to the fact that they are just workaholics! On the contrary, this actually gives us the opportunity to set up and give one of the best gifts that we can ever present to our hard-working moms.
The gift of relaxation will always be priceless. It is something that is overlooked at times and it is absolutely appreciated whenever it is either given to self or by someone else. Pampering your mom on her special day is one of the ultimate gifts you can present her and it just goes a long way. Whether it is for your mom, your wife, your grandmother, daughter, or auntie, setting up a special day for a manicure, pedicure, massage, or reflexology will fit in the occasion effortlessly.
Sunny Days & Shades
Sunny days are here and our surroundings are now becoming more colorful. We have many things to look forward to including summer trips, outings, and more.
What better way to prepare for the warmer days than getting your feet ready for any type of show - even if it is just you strutting down your own runway while on your way to work!
From French Tips to sparkling shades, there are endless selections of combinations to choose from.
Prepare your hands and feet with these pretty, fun polish shades and nail art.
Who doesn’t love cotton candy? A combo of baby pink and baby blue makes this sweet pattern and it’s a must for the summer!
Looking for something more neutral? Beige and black can easily go with your office outfit to weekend brunch meetings.
Walk on sunshine with this fun and artsy design.
We vote for watermelon shades all summer! The sweetest pink can never go unnoticed.
Pop-up Event: Mars Wrigley x Primp Events
What is sweeter than being in Candyland?
This year, we had the pleasure of partnering up with Mars Wrigley during a pop-up Valentine’s Day celebration. It was such a sweet and fun event and we were just so excited to share this special event with all of you! From the colorful aesthetic to the full beauty bar, we were able to welcome guests from around the world and witness smiles all across the room.
The whimsical set-up naturally attracted attention and people easily fell in love with the concept as well as what we had in store for all of them. A mani station, a braid bar, make-up and hair stylists, chair massage are just some of the services that we had the pleasure of providing all of Wrigley's guests. Our goal was to bring the same type of joy that everyone received as soon as they walked through the door and saw what the Wrigley's team had in store for them.
All in all, this sweet retreat was such a success and it was definitely a celebration of many great things.This wonderful collaboration has been featured in and the full article can be viewed by clicking here.
The Magic of Water
Ever seen real magic on this planet? Why yes, you have!
Water is such a magical component that we humans tend to overlook at times but we are here to remind you all about its great and never-ending benefits.
From skin to bones, adequate consumption of water greatly contributes to our healthy journey. It is extremely amusing how one element can improve almost everything.
Approximately 50 to 70% of our body mass is made up of water and this includes our skin, tissue, cells, and organs.
In beauty, applying water in our regular diet helps with the growth of hair and clearing up the skin and maintaining a natural glow.
Drinking water balances the oil of the skin and it aids with flushing the toxins of the body which usually causes acne and other skin problems due to the accumulation of bacteria.
It is powerful enough to combat skin disorders such as psoriasis, wrinkles, and eczema. The skin can also be rejuvenated immediately when the body is soaked in cold water for just a couple of minutes!
Looking for a natural way to tighten the skin? Water can serve that purpose, too.
This natural vitamin is just jam-packed with benefits and we can go on forever with great reasons as to why we should all incorporate consuming water at all times. Most of all, it is free and available for us to use at any time.
Pedi-Care: Winter Tips
Cold weather got your feet feeling blue?
During the winter time, we have no choice but to cover up and keep certain parts of our body from the cold. One, in particular, is our feet and because it is always covered up during this season, we tend to also provide it with less attention and maintenance since it would be rarely seen in any scene.
But must we wait until the sun is shining on our feet again to continue to give it some love? Lucky us, we do not need to! Let us give you some DIY winter tips that will make you have happy feet again no matter what season we are in.
The Sweetest Soak:
Ahhh...this one comes in handy especially on those rough days at work. Here is our favorite —
Anti-oxidant Honey Foot Soak.
Just drop a cup of honey into a shallow tub of warm water and with a 15-minute soak, your feet will feel softer than ever.
The Invigorating Scrub:
We might not be able to erase our coldest days but we can for sure scrub the dead skin away with our DIY Peppermint Foot Scrub.
What we need:
1/2 granulated sugar
4 drops of peppermint oil
coconut oil
Once swirled in together, we can then start applying it directly to our feet. Scrub the homemade potion and soak your feet in warm weather afterward. A slice of heaven for sure!
Moisturizing Socks:
Whether you start with our DIY soak or scrub, it is very important that we keep our feet moisturize especially in this harsh weather. Dry feet during winter can easily cause cracked heels and can lead into multiple disorders such as athlete’s foot. Our simple solution?
Our DIY Jelly socks!
To restore moisture back in our feet, we will only need a few things:
a pair of socks
petroleum jelly
Before bed, coat your feet with the jelly and massage it evenly. Apply the socks once done and voila! The jelly will be working its magic overnight while you are getting your beauty sleep.
We hope you all enjoyed our mini DIYs and remember, our feet need TLC all throughout the 4 seasons and it only takes 1,2,3 to make it all happen.
With Extra Love
Love is in the air as we are about to enter the month that is filled with hearts. Our minds are busy with figuring out what type of special surprises we can come up with for our loved ones and we want to make sure that we go an extra mile to show them how special they are on Valentine’s Day. Flowers, candies, and candle-lit dinners are one of the most common gifts that are given during this holiday. Some prefer to serenade their loved ones with songs or shower them with luxurious gifts such as a brand new vehicle with a pretty bow on top!
But how about some quality time with your special someone?
The gift of personal time is still as important as splurging on luxurious gifts. Looking for an ideal gift that will give you an opportunity to show your appreciation to your loved ones along with your dedicated time attached to it? We have got you covered!
Our luxurious on-demand salon and spa services are fully customizable and elegantly put together. We make all experiences stress-free, manageable, and most of all, memorable. The goal is for our professionals to bring their services to the comfort of your own location at your own time. The services that we provide are outstanding and our specialists are truly superb.
The list of our main services consists of:
Massage Therapy
Hair Styling
Fitness Training
and very much more.
For inquiry on the services above, please call us at (212) 217-6038 or send us a note via e-mail so we can provide assistance. To view a list of our services, click here.
Spread the love! It's the only way.
The Beauty of Jade Rolling
For the holidays, I received a Jade Roller as a present with the face cream order. I really did not know much about a Jade Roller so I put it aside and went about my normal skincare routine. A few nights later, I was watching a video posted by Well & Good and there was a woman discussing the benefits of Jade Rolling. I tuned in and am SO glad I did. After listening to her speak about the benefits of Jade rolling, I immediately put mine in the refrigerator. Before bed that night, I washed my face and started my usual skincare routine. Afterward, I made my way to the refrigerator to roll the cold Jade roller over my face in the middle of my kitchen. I rinsed it off after use and returned it to my refrigerator. Now, the Jade Rolling is part of my daily face moisturizing routine. I felt divine, alive, relaxed and calm. The feeling of being able to treat my skin through a simple method is just phenomenal and it is as easy as 1, 2, 3.
Below is one of the basic steps to use this invigorating treat for your skin!
How to practice Jade rolling:
I recommend putting your roller in the fridge for a few hours before using it.
Step 1 - Clean your face.
Step 2 - Exfoliate your skin.
Step 3 - Apply serum or moisturizer.
Step 4 Start rolling WITH outward and upward motions around each area, about 3 times.
Step 5- Wipe your face and reapply serum or moisturizer if needed.
Step 6- Clean your Jade Roller and place it in a pouch or ziplock bag.
Winter Skincare
The weather outside is frightful so please be extra mindful of your skin this season.
With the dark winter ahead of us, maintaining your natural glow can easily be achieved but just a friendly reminder that consistency is key.
And similar to the changing seasons, we recommend switching your skincare routine to match the season. So for this winter season here are some recommended do's and dont's that will help protect your skin.
Moisturize all the time and do not forget to add the sunscreen!
Hydrate the skin by drinking water.
Avoid exfoliating your skin constantly during wintertime because it can overdry the skin.
Carry a lip balm.
Wash your face with lukewarm water.
Use hydrating cleansers.
Deep cleanse at night and moisture before going to bed.
Munch on veggies. Yum!
Humidify your room.
Get adequate sleep.
Following these simple tips makes a big and better difference all the way!
You will no longer have to miss your glowing days. Happy Winter!
Holiday Trails
The season is here when we are moving around non-stop trying to get things done in preparation for the chain of holidays. During the frenzy, we tend to make it impossible to sit down and recharge the proper way all because we have much to do! With all the hustle and bustle in making sure that we have our loved ones covered, we still should not forget that self-care is still a must.
Because of the time restriction that we put on ourselves during the holiday season, the quick self-treats are becoming more appealing in our eyes. A good example is a relaxing pedicure.
Pedicure is more than just nail shaping and buffing. It is also a form of massage and more importantly, targeting our pressure points. In times when we are hit with the extra amount of stress, simple self-care such as treating ourselves with a pedicure session will definitely go a long way.
No time to sit in a nail salon and wait? No worries! We have fantastic professional pedicurists that we can send right at your location. Let us get you set-up and we will deliver the treat right in your favorite space.
The Ultimate Beauty Tips to Look Stunning This Holiday Season
‘Tis the season to get extremely busy with all the hustle and bustle in trying to get things done in a very short amount of time!
But in the midst of all, it is still important to take care of yourself especially with all the endless holiday parties.
Because everything just instantly turns into a time-sensitive matter during the holidays, we whipped up these quick beauty do's to save the day...and your time!
Longer days plus longer nights can definitely affect your glow. One way to conceal the darkness and bring the brightness right back to your face is applying white eyeliner in your waterline and inner corners. This can help bring the sunshine back to your eyes.
Want a long-lasting tint on your lips? Apply foundation on your lips prior to applying lipstick. It will for sure hold the color down so you will not have to worry about stopping in your tracks just to reapply the color.
Ouch! A nicked nail can be such a bother but thanks to this easy trick, you can fix it in just seconds. Simply dip your nail in a polish remover then quickly rub it over the chip toward the tip of your nail to smooth it out.
Dab some polish in the bare spot to fill it in and voila! You have saved a secondary trip to your manicurist.
No time to blow dry your hair? No worries. You can jet out of the door and still have beautiful hair once air-dried.
Blot your hair with a towel, spritz some volumizing spray, and brush your hair thoroughly. In just 20 minutes you will have thick and volumized locks.
Makeup on then makeup off! After making sure that the makeup stays on throughout the holiday party, we would not really want to spend the same amount of time removing the products applied on our skin.
To remove makeup in a flash, grab a facial wipe before the lather-and-rinse process. This trick will get the job done and your face will thank you for it.
The Truth About Manpering
We all had our fair share of myths and tales and one of them, we are all very well familiar with: women are the only one who loves to get pampered.
Why don't we step back into reality and discuss various reasons why men will indulge in some pampering as well?
After the hard work and the overtime, men crave for some relaxation time just as much as us women do.
Some men prefer to sit back and watch a football game or maybe some hardcore time in the gym but there are some who considers "me-time" to be a knot-free day through intensive massage to banish some aches and pains.
Men will enjoy a relaxing treatment even if it is something swift.
Simple methods such as releasing pressure through foot massages can be such a big help and a mood booster for our men and a spa treatment can definitely help them de-stress and refresh for the upcoming work week. Another quick and well-known treatment that they love is the chair massage. Chair massage can help reduce stress and muscle tension as well as rejuvenate the mind and body in just under 15 minutes!
For those who desire more of a luxurious treatment such as a Swedish massage, this is believed to help reduce depression and anxiety, increase blood circulation, and relieve pain. In addition, this type of activity can easily be turned into a QT (quality time) with their significant other!
Dress Your Nails For The Season
The holiday season is here and it is time to join in with the festivities.
We love seeing the beautiful decorations, the glorious lights, and of course - the fashion!
From the boots to winter accessories, the trend is in full throttle and it is so chic, sophisticated, and fun all around. Our professional manicurists are all set to bring the holiday magic right in the comfort of your own home so let’s get reacquainted with the festive trend -
shall we?
The Shimmering Magic
Mrs. Clause
The Ball Drop
Holiday Pampering
The holidays are approaching and we are all thinking about our loved ones.
And around this time, we are now on a mission to scout for the very best presents that can help us express how much we love and value our family and friends. One present that will never go out of style is the gift of pampering which is also known as the gift of "me" time.
During this extremely busy season, it is the perfect time to show that special someone that you truly care and value their time by giving them the opportunity to unwind and relax with much comfort in their own home.
It may just be a simple treat but it will surely bring a bigger smile to your dearest one.
To learn more about our services or to inquire about customized gift packages, please send us an email at We would love to make this a magical holiday for you and your loved ones.
The Benefits of Mobile Chair Massage
Stress at work? Yikes! We all go through it for sure. For employers, it is very important to maintain a healthy workplace, especially for their employees. One simple and affordable solution is providing mobile chair massage at work bring bountiful benefits to all.
Research has shown that there are various benefits from having a stress recess like scheduling a chair massage. Massage has shown to reduce blood pressure, relieve arthritis, increase energy, decrease anxiety, improve joints, and even increase immunity to cold and flu. In addition, we have witnessed same-day results that lasted for weeks!
In just little as 15 minutes, these mini massage breaks bring such great value and can aid in reducing pain, stress, and distractions. Chair massage for workplaces has become much more prevalent in their employee wellness program because it also increases productivity and improves performance and creative thinking. Chair massage has been proven to be quite handy and once it has been included in the company’s routine, you will notice the improvement within your team immediately.
For prices or to schedule an appointment for a personal session, e-mail us at
To learn more about our Mobile Chair Massage service for group sessions, visit!